West Norfolk Carpet Bowls Association




Contact for help and advise:-


Elaine Brandon

01553 768741


Paul Morris

01553 679116


John Heeley

01945 581683



To All Clubs,

Please note as from now, the Secretary is now Paul Morris, details on home page

Note From David Hart.

I am sorry to be giving up my post as secretary etc due to the fact that Judith & myself are moving away to be nearer to our family, we are going to Balsall Common near solihull., just a little to far to come each week. I have felt privaledged to have served you all and looking after things, enjoyed working with Joy, Elaine, John etc too many too mention. Here for just a few more weeks, so hope to see many of you before I depart. Thanks.


Finals & Presentations 2019

All the Winners etc. from 2018/19, presented trophies by The Mayor & Mayoress Geoff & Rose Hipperson.


Carpet bowls is for all ages, get in touch with one of our clubs and give it a go!.